While you use various secure systems online, you must keep them secure with highly strong passwords which could not be guessed by other persons using the computer. In current world of hacking and insecure applications, for a simple person defining password is very complicated. This tool called Password Provider will solve this problem by creating highly secure passwords through a specialized algorithm. Passwords created with Password Provider are highly difficult to trace and crack. It has various options like lowercase, uppercase and also how many characters one needs for their password. Password Provider is a completely free tool and does not need any other software to be installed on your machine to work properly. Password Provider can also create multiple passwords in one go. With a facility to save the list of passwords created in a file, it gives flexibility to create passwords and also to send them across to other people or store in your machine. Once can also copy the password created to the clipboard in just one click. Maybe the only disadvantage is that with this tool one can not create password of their choice, for example, passwords starting or ending with certain words.